Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
Substance Use Treatment
Our Mission & Values
We are committed to providing compassionate support to those in need who face behavioral health, co-occurring disorders, or IDD challenges as they transform their lives.
We, the staff and leadership of Chartiers Center are committed to providing compassionate support to those in need who face behavioral health, co-occurring disorders, or IDD challenges as they transform their lives.

Behavioral Health
Behavioral Health
Chartiers’ primary focus is the integration of physical health and mental wellness to enhance the quality of life for all people with behavioral or intellectual/ and developmental disabilities. The program provides a full range of recovery oriented treatment and services for individuals and families.

Homeless Services
Homeless Services
Services combine agency and community resources to help consumers with a health disability or substance abuse diagnosis achieve the highest possible level of functioning. Supports include links to housing, access to benefits, transportation, education, medical needs etc. Housing referrals go through Allegheny Link.

Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities
Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities
Chartiers Center operates programs for adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD). Within each program, individualized plans are designed to meet the needs and interests of the individual as they work to attain their greatest level of independence.

Substance Use Treatment
Substance Use Treatment
The program will include individual counseling, family counseling, intensive outpatient programming, psychiatric evaluations and medication management. Services can be utilized as a step down from a higher level of care, or as a first step in assisting a consumer who is experiencing a substance use disorder.

Integrated Care
Integrated Care
Chartiers embraces an integrated care service model which ensures consumers receive individualized care/support tailored to their specific needs and goals. The flexible model allows us to assess and revise consumer needs as they change.
Our Programs
Ways To Stay Sober Through The Holidays
The holiday season is upon us and this can be a challenging time for some individuals especially those who are in recovery and expected to engage in festivities. These...
Understanding Grief During The Holidays
The holidays are a roller coaster of memories. Even though we’re in the present, we’re anxious about future holiday events, and we revisit past experiences. Most of us, most of...
Managing Workplace Stress Around The Holidays
No matter what type of job, everyone has experienced stressors in the workplace at some point in their lives. Elements of each job can become stressful in either the short term...