Chartiers Center Celebrates National Wellness Week, with a mix of program activities. The consumers in the programs are working with the staff to identify and plan events around the theme of wellness. In the program for adults with intellectual disabilities the folks are making healthy snacks and planning for their weekly wellness activities.
The nursing staff at the LTSR is using the week to kickoff a wellness education program with the residents. Especially with cold and flu season approaching, they will be covering basic handwashing, covering your cough, and other ideas to support the resident’s health. According to Sara Dickson RN., many of our residents refuse preventative procedures, and I would also like to educate them about the importance of such preventative care.”
At the T&SR Program they incorporated a different theme with an awareness of National Suicide Prevention Day on September 10th. The group participated in discussions, watched a Ted Talks video on depression which emphasized having and using social supports. They also watched a video by Pat Deegan from her recovery library. It discussed how we need each other to stay in recovery. Amy and Dan passed out handouts from the Suicide Prevention Hotline, Resolve and the Warmline. In conclusion Amy emphasized the safety in talking to peers, T&SR staff and their therapists.

Jenn Kita, Director of Chartiers’ Substance Abuse Outpatient Program greets people looking for information at the Provider Fair.
The staff in Chartiers’ Substance Abuse Outpatient Program celebrated wellness week by getting the word out on services available to people who are challenged by addictions. This week they attended the Drug and Alcohol Provider Fair at UPMC Mercy and next week they will be attending the Opioid Symposium at Christ United Methodist Church. Titled “STOP the Opioid Pandemic” the symposium will be help on Tuesday, Sept. 19 from 6-8pm. Other providers will join the conversation and address the local substance overdose problem in the South Hills.
Marking the calendar and planning activities that create an awareness of wellness was the goal for the week. Carrying out those activities and providing support to peers will continue in the weeks ahead as the program staff focus on maintaining a wellness theme that supports our consumers.