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Chartiers’ Hestia Program provides homeless to housing for local homeless

Dec 1, 2014

Beginning on Monday, December 8, please visit to donate to Chartiers’ Hestia Program. Your donation of $25 or more will be matched dollar-for-dollar by The Pittsburgh Foundation. The match is capped at $10,000 per donor. Donations must be made via their portal and by credit card. Donations can be made using Mastercard, Visa, or AmEx.

In Chartiers’ Hestia Program, staff proudly provides housing and support to chronically homeless individuals and families who are experiencing a chronic mental illness.  Currently we are serving 86 individuals and families by providing them with their own apartment/house in the community and in-home support and treatment.  Before they came to us, some were literally living on the streets.
We’re honored to be one of 30 agencies serving the homeless who were selected to receive the possible “match” that Pittsburgh Gives will provide. Funds received through the Pittsburgh Gives campaign will help furnish a new apartment for a homeless consumer using community resources like the local thrift stores and the Dollar Stores. When you donate to Chartiers’ Hestia Program your donation can buy:
$10 buys toilet paper, shampoo and soap
$25 buys underwear and socks
$25 buys sheets and towels for a twin bed
$25 buys plates and silverware for a family of 4
$50 buys toiletries and cleaning supplies
$50 buys pots and pans
$100 buys basic clothing and 2 winter coats/hats/gloves for a family of 2
$100 buys food for a family of 4
$100 buys baby items (diapers, wipes, formula and equipment
Gift cards for the Dollar Store or for items not covered by food stamps!
The “Matched Giving” starts Monday, December 8th.  To donate, please visit and select Chartiers CenterOn behalf of the individuals and families in the Hestia Program thank you!
[youtube height=”300″ width=”400″][/youtube]
YouTube video featuring a Chartiers’ Hestia consumer who was homeless 

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