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ADA Celebrates Accessibility and Inclusion for All

Jun 12, 2015

ADA Celebrates Accessibility and Inclusion for AllPITTSBURGH & ALLEGHENY COUNTY

From May through August 2015, the City of Pittsburgh and Allegheny County will celebrate the 25th Anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) with a series of community-wide events recognizing the landmark law that has transformed lives by removing barriers to civic participation, housing, transportation, employment, arts and recreation, education and more.
The Pittsburgh/Allegheny County ADA 25th Anniversary Celebration is one of several scheduled throughout the nation this year, including a major celebration in Washington D.C. on the July 26 anniversary with attendance expected to be in the thousands.
The Pittsburgh/Allegheny County ADA 25th Anniversary celebration will highlight local accomplishments and champions, as well as next steps for our community. Like most of the nation, as many as 18 to 20 percent of City and County residents of all ages have some type of disability.
For a list of events visit:

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