IDD Program Holds Quarter Finals for Pinewood Derby Races

Thanks to the Boy Scouts of Southwestern Pa for bringing the scouting program to Chartiers’ Program for adults with intellectual disabilities. Over the past couple months the individuals in the senior program have been busy working on designing their pinewood...

Staff Attend Retreat on Social Responsibility

Chartiers Center’s Management Team and Supervisory Staff held their quarterly retreat at the Bridgeville Library on Friday, June 23, 2017. The speaker was Curtis Upsher Jr. from Community Care Behavioral Health Organization. The topic for the all day...

T&SR Takes a Ride on the Gateway Clipper

The consumers in Chartiers’ Training and Social Rehab Program have enjoyed planning regular outings in the community. Through their fundraising efforts and request for ticket donations they have been able to plan a summer of fun activities. Since the weather has...