T&SR Newsletter Life Stories on the Recovery Journey

2019 T&SR Spring Newsletter Chartiers Center’s Training and Social Rehab Program invites you to read their “life stories.” A group of poems, interviews and letters written to their illness.  With each story the consumers shared a personal...

Chartiers Center Earns Profits on AmazonSmile Purchases

What is AmazonSmile?  AmazonSmile is a simple and automatic way for you to support CHARTIERS CENTER every time you shop, at no cost to you. When you shop at smile.amazon.com, you’ll find the exact same low prices, vast selection and convenient shopping...

Chartiers’ Vesta Team Reaches out to Local Homeless

With the help of Bridgeville Police Department, Chartiers Center’s Homeless Outreach Team (Vesta) were able to canvas the Bridgeville area looking for homeless individuals. One individual, currently living in a tent, was identified and the team was able to...

T&SR Winter Newsletter 2019

2019 winter newsletter  The consumers in the T&SR Program have been working hard over the past couple years to write and distribute a newsletter. Each quarter the newsletter covers different topics and insights along with artistic expressions created by the...

Holiday Happenings

It has been a very busy December here at Chartiers Center with many wonderful blessings coming our way.  Santa’s Elves were busy packing bags for Chartiers Center’s homeless consumers. Special thanks to Lindsay Bahl and friends who decided to forego...