Chartiers Center is pleased to announce the opening of our new Mobile Psychiatric Rehabilitation Program! Psychiatric rehabilitation promotes recovery, full community integration, and an improved quality of life for individuals who have been diagnosed with any mental health condition that seriously impairs their ability to lead meaningful lives. Psychiatric rehabilitation services focus on helping individuals develop skills and access resources needed to increase their capacity to be successful and satisfied in the living, working, learning, and social environments of their choice.
With this new model, Chartiers’ staff will provide individualized skill training and supports to consumers in their home and community. Goal areas can include budgeting, cooking and nutrition, cleaning an apartment, finding a job, going back to school, improving social skills, building healthy relationships, learning coping skills to manage stress, improving self-esteem, finding and keeping housing, and using public transportation.
Referrals are now being accepted for this supportive, in-home, service. Adults with a mental health diagnosis and desire to learn new skills and build supports are encouraged to contact the program staff at 412-561-3390 ext. 211 to learn more and get connected.
Congrats to the Mobile Psych Rehab Team who have worked hard to prepare for the opening of this program. Pictured below are: (front row L) Janelle Eberhardt, MPR Specialist, (r) Holly Robinson, Date Entry/Adm. Support Specialist, (back row L) Karen O’Keefe, Director MPR, (r) Jamie Richardson, MPR Worker.
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