Attached is day 3 in our Employee Volunteer Recognition. We are happy to thank and highlight our front desk staff who are the face of Chartiers Center. Enjoy! This piece was created by Sarah Wick. Click to view PDF
Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
Substance Use Treatment
Events & News
Employee Volunteer Appreciation – Day 2
Today Mary Kay Bonn honors all the Chartiers Center volunteers who share their special skills and warm hearts with our staff and consumers. Today you may need to use the pause button to read all the slides. Use Google Chrome to view any of the videos or visit...
Employee Volunteer Appreciation – Day 1
Welcome to employee/volunteer appreciation. Today we kickoff messages of appreciation to our staff and volunteers. Use Google Chrome to view any of the videos or visit Chartiers Center You Tube Channel. This is a kickoff message from Sue Coyle, CEO. In it she...
Town Hall South Supports Healthy Hearts
Chartiers Center's outreach nurses have been distributing the self monitoring blood pressure cuffs to consumers in our BHHP Program. Thank you to Town Hall South for a grant to support healthy hearts for our behavioral health consumers.
Our Recovery Journey – Stories Shared During MH Month
In honor of Mental Health Month the individuals' in Chartiers Center's T&SR Program would like to share the stories of their own personal recovery journey. The stories show the strength and hard work that they put in to each day. Their message is powerful and we...
Mental Health Month Video
Mental Health Month: Hope and Recovery CC mental health video # 1
T&SR Newsletter Life Stories on the Recovery Journey
2019 T&SR Spring Newsletter Chartiers Center's Training and Social Rehab Program invites you to read their "life stories." A group of poems, interviews and letters written to their illness. With each story the consumers shared a personal side to their...
Chartiers Center Earns Profits on AmazonSmile Purchases
What is AmazonSmile? AmazonSmile is a simple and automatic way for you to support CHARTIERS CENTER every time you shop, at no cost to you. When you shop at, you’ll find the exact same low prices, vast selection and convenient shopping...