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Feeling the Power of Hope and Optimism

Oct 4, 2021

Feeling the Power of Hope and Optimism

2020-21 Annual Report

Chartiers Center is proud to share the 2020-21 Annual Report. This year we highlight reflections from the past year. Thank you to our staff for sharing insight from their programs on the impact of Covid. In this report Felicia Nolan, the Director of Homeless Services talks about the challenges of finding housing for our homeless consumers in the midst of a pandemic. The Karen O’Keefe, Clinical Administrator of Rehabilitative Services tells us about opening the Mobile Psych Rehab Program and  Amy Randall, the Training and Social Rehab Coordinator talks about the struggles to stay connected during the pandemic. Finally, Maria Wojtasik, Outpatient Therapist shares what is what like to work remotely and how tele-health has provided more opportunity for consumers needed services. We invite you to read the annual report as we think you too will feel the power of hope and optimism.

Go to the Annual Report pdf

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