Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
Substance Use Treatment
Over the years Chartiers Center has been fortunate to receive generous donations from our supporters. As we continue to grow and serve more people we welcome the support of our community, corporate friends and foundations. Your gift, to Chartiers Center, helps us provide essential services to meet the needs of individuals with behavioral health concerns and individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Depending on the wishes of the donor, donations can be directed to specific services or needs within each program.
We invite you to donate now via Pay Pal. Other options include donating with debit or credit card.
Chartiers Center
437 Railroad St.
Bridgeville, PA 15017
Please include a note with your check to identify a specific program for your donation. If no note is enclosed, the donation will be applied to consumers’ needs not otherwise covered. All contributions are tax-deductible to the fullest extent of the law and will be acknowledged for your records. If you have questions please call (412)221-3302.
Other ways you can support us
Monetary Gifts helps cover the costs of food (dry goods), bedding, home goods, cleaning supplies, blankets, outer wear etc. for consumers in our programs who may be experiencing homeless and or food insecuirty.
Chartiers Center has an internal food pantry called “Mary’s Market” which can supply access to canned goods for any consumer in need until other food resources and benefits can be acquired.
Memorial /In Honor of Gifts are a meaningful way to remember or give honor to a loved one. Are you looking for a gift to recognize a memorable occasion or event in someone’s life? What better way to pay tribute than making a donation in their memory/honor. Acknowledgements will be sent to the donor and Announcements will be sent to the recipient.
United Way Contributor Choice # 201 Designate Chartiers by choosing the number 201 on your United Way contributor choice form.
Employer Match Check with your employer to see if they have an employee match program. Some companies even match gifts made by spouses and retirees.
In-Kind Gifts provide an excellent opportunity for individual’s and companies to provide equipment or services that are used to support programming needs. Art supplies are always in demand! Household items are most appreciated by our “homeless to housing” consumers. Companies looking to sponsor in-house “collections” are asked to consider hosting a food drive, or a drive for personal care items and cleaning products.
Angel Trees Many consumers and families do not have the resources to celebrate the Christmas holiday. If you, or your company, are looking for a holiday project please consider hosting an angel tree or contributing to our “White Christmas” drive for socks, underwear, t-shirts, paper products etc. Call 412-221-3302 ext.118 for more information.
Chartiers’ Homeless to Housing Consumers

When you donate to Chartiers Center’s Homeless Services your donation can buy:
- $10 buys toilet paper, shampoo and soap
- $25 buys underwear and socks
- $25 buys sheets and towels for a twin bed
- $25 buys plates and silverware for a family of 4
- $50 buys toiletries and cleaning supplies
- $50 buys pots and pans
- $100 buys clothing and winter coats/hats/gloves for a family of 2
- $100 buys food for a family of 4
- $100 buys baby items (diapers, wipes, formula and equipment)
- Gift cards for the Dollar Store or items not covered by food stamps!
For more information on how you can support the mission of Chartiers Center, contact Krish Mohan, or call (412) 221-3302 ext. 118. Please call before dropping off any donations. Thank you.
Chartiers Center Charity Lists on Amazon
- Chartiers Center’s charity lists can be found on Amazon for “Rebuilding Lives: Homeless to Housing” or “Mary’s Market: Helping Provide Emergency Food.” Use this link to view and place an order for requested items: Items will be distributed to consumers in need in our Homeless to Housing Program and through our Mary’s Market internal food pantry. Thank you in advance for your consideration. If you would like more information on any of the listed giving programs call (412) 221-3302 ext.118 or email
Chartiers Center White Xmas Collection
This is the 3rd year for Chartiers Center’s White Xmas drive. The collection benefits individuals confronting a broad range of mental health challenges including substance use, homelessness and intellectual disabilities. We are collecting new items (socks, paper products, twin bedding, shower curtain/liners etc.) to be given out to our consumers who need basic essentials. There are 2 ways to participate: 1. We are delighted to have the support of Brentwood Bank as 3 of their branches are serving as drop off locations (Bethel Park, South Park and South Fayette branches). A collection box is also located at Chartiers Center main office in Bridgeville. OR
2. Go to Amazon and use this link to view and place an order for requested items:
Please call 412 221-3302 ext.118 or email with questions or to schedule a drop off of donations. Thank you.