Join us for the Day of Giving on September 21! Day of Giving is a one-day online giving event organized by The Pittsburgh Foundation. Monies raised will be used to support Chartiers’ Hestia Program that serves over 130 individuals and families in Allegheny County. Support is given to find and maintain housing. Funds received through the Pittsburgh Gives campaign will help furnish a new apartment for a homeless consumer using community resources like the local thrift stores and the Dollar Stores.
Please visit on Wednesday, Sept. 21 to donate!
When you donate to Chartiers’ Hestia Program your donation can buy:
- $10 buys toilet paper, shampoo and soap
- $25 buys underwear and socks
- $25 buys sheets and towels for a twin bed
- $50 buys toiletries and cleaning supplies
- $50 buys pots and pans
- $100 buys food for a family of 4
- $100 buys baby items (diapers, wipes, formula and equipment)
- Gift cards for the Dollar Store or items not covered by food stamps!
If you have any questions, please call (412)221-3302 ext.118 or email