
Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities

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Thank YOU Notes

Apr 30, 2020

Over the past month Chartiers Center has received many acts of kindness from our friends and local community. On this page we would like to highlight and thank them for their support. The work of our friends has kept our staff safe while working in our residential programs, as members of our mobile outreach teams and while working in the office. This support has enabled Chartiers’ staff to provide treatment and services to anyone struggling with the mental health, especially during these difficult times.
THANK YOU to: (current through May 21st)
Global Links CaptureThank you Global Links for the donations of masks, gloves and gowns. These supplies are used by the staff in our residential programs and the office staff. Thank you for your support to keep us safe during this pandemic.
blue heartTHANK YOU! We are grateful to our donors for their support on Giving Tuesday. The monies raised will be used to provide food for our consumers and will be distributed by our Homeless to Housing Outreach team. We will continue accepting donations to provide food and other resources for our consumers in need. Thank you for joining together.
THANK YOU to: (current through May 6th)
A special thank you to Satish and Visala Mulak for their generous $500 donation. The money will be used to start up a mobile Mary’s Market to distribute bags of food to our consumers in need who can’t get out.
UPDATE: We are happy to report Mobile Mary has hit the ground running. The idea of the mobile market has been well received by our staff. To date we have distributed 24 bags of food and are preparing to deliver another 12 bags this week. Having food on hand to give to clients has helped bridge the gap to food insecurity (at its time of need) and is opening doors for our staff to provide other resources to their clients.
Beth homemade soupA big shout out to one of our employees, Beth and her daughter Kate, for making chicken noodle soup and homemade rolls to be distributed to our consumers in need. The soup has been frozen and will be distributed by our Housing Outreach Team.
From one of Chartiers Center’s employees – “Shout out to our Fearless Leader, Sue Coyle for keeping us SAFE and WORKING!  I love working for an agency that understands our clients need us more than ever right now!!
THANK YOU to: (thank you’s current through April 24th)
masks atCC w person
The family of our staff, including Theresa Albert and Deb Corso, for making masks. To Dave Wiseman and Rick/Debbie Clark for finding us masks when no masks could be found and to Beth Wiseman for making hand sanitizers and wipes when there was nothing to be found in the stores. Shout out also goes to : The Smocking Petals and the Sew You Care FB Group for surprising us with masks!

CCAC OTA donation
To the volunteer sewer from CCAC Occupational Therapy Assistant Program.

Bethany Mission Trip grp masks
To Bethany Presbyterian Church Mission Team for making masks and to the church for sending cleaning supplies when we were in great need.

BSC delievering food
To the Pittsburgh Indian Community for their grant that keeps food in Mary’s Market! The bags of canned goods have been a blessing to our consumers dealing with a shortage of food.

Bros 3aBros 1a
To Brothers Brothers for the generous donation of masks, gloves and gowns. The staff in our 3 residential programs are especially thankful.

cat and dog
A big thank you to those who donated pet food. It is available for our consumers who have pets and need help during this time.

Finally a BIG THANK YOU to our individual donors. Your donations are supplying food and pet food for our consumers and kindness to our hardworking staff. 
Resources are available. Call PA 211 or the Covid hotline.
when to seek care -2covid hotline

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